Join the Saffa Map for all South Africans in the UK & Ireland. Allowing South Africans to find and connect with fellow South Africans including restaurants, pubs & cafes serving SA favourites, SA shops, markets, South African owned businesses and more.
Your exact location will not be revealed, the location given will be your closest public place, and will be linked to your email address or FB profile. This allows Saffa’s to message one another and give more personal details should they wish to do so.
To be part of this community please complete the form below.
We are sure you will find this map super useful and are always open to any suggestions.
[everest_form id=”1944″]
To find your FB url on a computer go into your FB personal profile, your URL appears in the bar above (see below). Copy the link and paste onto the form. Please make sure you add all dots & dashes if you add this manually.
To find your FB url on your mobile phone go into your FB personal profile click on the 3 dots and your profile link URL will appear at the bottom. Copy the link and paste onto the form.
Thanks for your time and welcome to the SAUK Saffa Map!!
Want to have your details removed or updated please email
The saffa map is manually updated on a weekly basis.
Don’t forget to like/follow and share our Facebook page to keep updated and let other Saffas know about us.