Saturday, July 27, 2024

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SA Home Affairs Help Special Needs Residents get IDs

Phyllis Robertson Home in Pretoria recently faced the daunting task of helping their residents obtain ID cards from Home Affairs. The mere thought of navigating the long queues and administrative hassles was far from inspiring.

However, a stroke of luck came their way when Home Affairs decided to step in and extended an unexpected offer. They proposed visiting the Phyllis Robertson Home with their mobile unit, which possessed all the necessary facilities found in the Pretoria office, including a motorized ramp to ease the entry of wheelchairs.

All the residents requiring smart ID cards were lifted onto the mobile unit—an experience that the home team described as a total blast.

Joyride – Now this is service! From Home affairs! After a great many trips to the Pretoria office to obtain smart ID cards for our residents, special queues pre-arranged, they took pity on us (Mathapelo is an excellent organiser) and today they came to us! Wow!! We are very impressed and exceedingly grateful for this special consideration. Thank you!

The assistance provided by the Home Affairs team in facilitating the ID application process for the home residents was invaluable. Witnessing their willingness to offer a more convenient alternative was truly heartening. Now, each resident will soon possess a new ID card.


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